BASI - Lean From The Leaders



Natascha Eyber


Shoulder mechanics

CLASS. 01Shoulder mechanics
This BASI Pilates® workshop will focus on the correct mechanics of the shoulder girdle - particularly relating to the Pilates repertoire. Immaculate control and sequencing of movement are essential in this method. Higher-level Pilates challenges, coupled with everyday activities demanding shoulder involvement, can easily create negative movement patterns and compensations. Poor shoulder stability, mobility as well as incorrect pattering of movement are certainly the most frequently encountered dysfunctions amongst clients. This subject is one that needs to be addressed as its implications are far reaching.
CLASS. 02Discovering and Maximizing Spinal Extension
Back extension is an essential part of any good Pilates session. It is a fact that in therapy many back issues are treated with back extension. The reason for that is that this movement is hardly ever practiced in everyday life and also many recreational as well as sport activities are often practiced in trunk flexion. As a conclusion imbalances in the musculature of the trunk occur, not only between the abdominals and back extensors, but also between the thoracic and lumbar extensors. There is no doubt that many problems such as neck tension, headaches etc. are often observed in connection with a rigid structure and (hyper-)kyphosis of the upper-mid back. After an anatomical overview of the back extensors we will analyze in form of practical exercises how a back can achieve functional strength, how the kinetic chain works during back extension and how important a correct positioning of the head is.

Discovering and Maximizing Spinal Extension

Working with the principle of efficiency in Pilates

CLASS. 03Working with the principle of efficiency in Pilates
Efficiency is one of the main principles in Pilates. There is a reason why Pilates teachers say to their clients: Pilates does not become easier, but it will get better! What do we mean? As our Pilates practice continues we dive deeper into the work and learn to understand the exercises from all aspects: the balance between stability and mobility, precision, breath and correct muscle recruitment. However, some additional ressources often remain under-used. The equipment as well as gravity do not only provide challenge but they also assist during the execution of an exercise. As in a dance with a partner or a fight in martial arts you achieve the best result when you use the power of the partner or opponent instead of resisting it.

In this workshop we will look at exercises on the mat and equipment which are typically considered as challenging and I will share my experience how I learned to master them by integrating gravity, the floor and the equipment, allowing them to unify with my body and using their ressources in an optimum manner which lead me to a more efficient, energy-saving and in total better result.

MATMat class with focus on the shoulder girdle
The shoulder is described as a „muscle dependent joint“ it has to perform a number of complex functions, not only in the advanced Pilates repertoire but also in daily live. Strengthening, mobilization and stabilization as well as good mechanics are therefore essential. This mat class will focus mainly on the Bridging Block in the BASI® Block System.

Mat class with focus on the shoulder girdle